Sina von Aesch

Doktorandin und Assistentin in der Abteilung Ältere Geschichte des Christentums und der interreligiösen Begegnungen

+41 31 684 45 43
Postal Address
Universität Bern
Institut für Historische Theologie
Länggassstrasse 51
CH-3012 Bern

Sina von Aesch, born in Ipsach in 1994, has been a doctoral student and assistant since January 2021. She studied Protestant theology in Bern and Basel and completed her vicariate in the Nydegg church in 2020. 
In her dissertation project, she is researching ambiguity phenomena in the lifeworld of desert parents in late antiquity in Egypt. Her research interests cover feminist theology, narrative theology, pastoral care and oral history.

Sina von Aesch is a member of Interfilm Switzerland, she writes about theology and film and acts as a jury member at film festivals. She is in education as an emergency counsellor in the Care Team of the Canton of Bern.
Together with three other theologians, Sina von Aesch founded the collective Feierwerk
She lives in Biel/Bienne with her partner. 




  • "Wisdoms and Contradictions - Ambiguities in the Apopthegmata Patrum" (dissertation project)
  • Forms of life in late antiquity
  • Queer Theology
  • Theologically sifnificant places in Switzerland (theos project)