Daniel Jara Postdoc in the project: «theos: Theologisch bedeutsame Orte der Schweiz – die Vernetzung von digitalen und physischen Räumen und ihre Wirkung auf Menschen» E-Mail daniel.jara@unibe.ch Office A 415 Postal Address Universität Bern Institut für Historische Theologie Länggassstrasse 51 CH-3012 Bern
Work & research focus Digital and spatial religion / theology Intercultural theology and corporeality Empirical theological research World Christianity Socio-religious super-diversity Ecumenism Pentecostalism Missiology Migration
Publications Theology in Spatial Design: The House of Prayer and Learning, House of One, as Placing Strategy, Declaration and Locus for Interreligious Encounter and Theological Production in Super-Diverse Berlin. Presented at the Konferenz: “Quo vadis, Theology? – Theology in the Context of Public Sphere”, 15.04. 2024 Zagreb (In edition) Against Western Cognitive Hegemony in Academic Theology: The Quest for Epistemological Justice in Liberation and Intercultural Theology(ies). In: Victoria Turner (Ed.) Awake, Emerging and Connected: Theologies of Justice from the Missing Generation. (London: SCM Press, 2024) 36-47. • Dialogue and Agreement Models in the Modern Ecumenical Movement (1910-1983): Minimal, Comparative, and Convergence Ecumenisms. Teología y Vida: Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile 63, 3 (2023), 539-559. Qualitative Case Study as Research Design for Intercultural Theology. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology 6, 2 (2022) 113-130. Intercultural Empirical Hermeneutics: An Example of Theological Hermeneutics Research and Theory Generation Assisted by Methods and Techniques of Social Research. In: Alena Hofer (Ed.) Schriftauslegung im Plural: Interkulturelle und kontextuelle Bibelhermeneutiken (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2022) 135-148. Christian knowings from the Global South: A theological approximation to De Sousa Santos’ ‘Epistemologies of the South’. Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft 47, 1 (2021) 150-169. Enrique Dussel’s “Otherness” and the problem of the Euro-centric totalized epistemological system in aca- demic Theology. Teología: Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argen- tina UCA 58, 133 (2020) 159-182. Cosmological Renewal: An Anthropological analysis of the New Year celebrations in the Andes as a rite of passage. Journal of the Anthropological Society of the University of Oxford 10, 2 (2018) 193-203.